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Neurosciences - R3

Wards A-Z

Ward R3 is a Nurse led day case facility for neurology and neurosurgical patients.

Non-urgent advice: Visiting information

Due to space constraints, we do not allow visitors unless there are extenuating circumstances. These need to be discussed prior to appointments with a member of the administration team.

Current visiting policy

Restricted visiting will be permitted on most wards and areas such as our Emergency Department. Please follow our guidance to find our more information as some areas do still have restrictions.

Read our visiting policy

The unit is a busy and diverse nurse-led service, and is responsible for the smooth running of neurosurgical, neurology and stroke clinics. It also provides an infusion service for the administration of intravenous medications for neurology patients

Both the lumbar puncture, muscle biopsy and neurosurgical preoperative assessment service are held on R3.


If you are likely to be hospitalised for two weeks or more, your visitors can get a discounted parking ticket from the main reception. This allows you to exit from the car parks for 14 consecutive days from the day you validate the ticket.

Discounted parking