The PDU is a six bed ward for children and young people who need a bed for a day, but do not need to stay overnight.
Current visiting policy
Restricted visiting will be permitted on most wards and areas such as our Emergency Department. Please follow our guidance to find our more information as some areas do still have restrictions.
Treatments on PDUÂ can include scans requiring sedation, the giving of various medicines as infusions (through a drip), and endocrine tests.
The unit caters for children from birth up to 16 years of age (including children who started treatment for cancer before their 16th birthday).
It also houses the regional children’s oncology (cancer) and haematology (blood disorders) outpatient clinic. This group of children will be based here for all of their day-care procedures, which include having blood transfusions, chemotherapy and antibiotics, as well as their outpatient appointments. Some of these procedures will require general anaesthetics, and can be done on the unit, which reduces the need for trips to our main theatres.
As well as the six-bed bay area, the unit has a small waiting area with play facilities, and four consulting rooms.
Meals for day patients are provided by a chef, who is based on Ward C2 (which is joined to PDU).
The staff dedicated to the unit include a nursing and medical team, play specialists, clinic clerks, data managers and clinic assistants, all of whom are happy to answer questions from patients and their parents.
An accompanying adult must be present when any child is seen or examined by health professionals in the Trust.
The PDUÂ is open Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 18:00.