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EAU 5 - Medical short stay unit

Wards A-Z

Ward EAU5 is a 26 bedded unit made up of one seven bedded bay, one six bedded bay, two five bedded bays which are cardiac monitored, all with en-suite facilities and three side rooms one of which is cardiac monitored. It is based in the EAU block on level 5.

EAU5 is part of the Acute Medical Ward which aims to take patients from the Medical Assessment Units and the Emergency Department as quickly as possible for a short stay admissions (<72hrs).

EAU5 admits acute medical patients presenting to the Medical Assessment Units and ED whose presenting symptoms indicate a short stay.

EAU5 will also be the admitting ward for medical patients presenting with mental health conditions and with cardiac conditions.

Please be aware that visitors may be asked to leave at any time to enable important care to be delivered.

Current visiting policy

Restricted visiting will be permitted on most wards and areas such as our Emergency Department. Please follow our guidance to find our more information as some areas do still have restrictions.

Read our visiting policy