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Renal genetics and tubular disorders clinic - Clinic 12

Clinics A-Z

What does the clinic do?

  • This clinic brings together staff from nephrology, medical genetics, urology and clinical biochemistry to see patients whose disease needs to be looked after by one or more of these specialities.
  • Patients may be referred by general practitioners, hospital doctors or local hospitals. We also see patients referred from further away for whom there is no local centre.

Why am I attending this clinic?

You have been referred to this clinic because you or one of your relatives have a condition that affects your kidneys, specifically one that often runs in families.

We aim to:

  • Provide an opportunity for you to have a more specialist in-depth consultation
  • Not only take care of you, but also highlight any potential problems
  • Combine consultants from different areas of renal care and a specialist nurse, and prevent unnecessary visits to the hospital

What can I do to prepare for the clinic?

  • Your kidney problem may be inherited (passed within families). It would therefore be helpful for you to find out if any of your relatives have had problems with their kidneys, or high blood pressure or diabetes.
  • Please bring an up to date list of your tablets with you and any test results you may have received from your GP or other doctors you have seen.
  • Please be prepared to produce a fresh urine sample when you arrive. We will provide a container.

What will happen in clinic?

You will be asked to:

  • Have your urine tested
  • Have your blood pressure checked
  • Be weighed, and have your height measured the first time you attend

You will then be seen by one or more of the following:

  • A kidney specialist
  • A specialist in inherited conditions
  • A specialist in biochemical (blood and urine) tests
  • A kidney stone specialist (only for stone patients)

After you have seen the doctor(s) you may be asked to go to phlebotomy (in the outpatient department, on level 2) to provide a blood sample.

Will I need any scans or other tests?

It may be necessary for you to have an x-ray whilst you are here, but if you need any other investigations they will be booked for you at a later date and the appointment sent to you.

Will I get the results of the tests?

We will send the results of all tests to your GP in a letter, with a copy to you. You may also receive a phone call to discuss your blood test results. We will also invite you to sign up for ‘MyChart’, the hospital’s electronic communication system where you can see appointment bookings, letter and test results. You can also message us.

Will I need to come back?

It is likely you will require further follow up; this will be decided between you and the clinic team and an appropriate appointment made.

What can I get further information?

In the first instance please call 01223 217828 (renal secretariat)

Renal Genetics and Tubular Disorders Clinic Box No. 118; Direct dial 01223 217828; Fax: 01223 586506

Consultants Andrew Stewart Nephrology 01223 762617
Consultants Dr Richard Sandford Clinical Genetics 01223 348845
Consultants Dr Anita Sarker Biochemistry 01223 586820
Consultants Mr Oliver Wiseman Urology 01223 586593

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