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Pregnancy advisory service – clinic 21

Clinics A-Z

This clinic provides counselling for women unsure how they wish to proceed with their pregnancy.

It is useful for women to make an appointment to discuss with their GP prior to referral to the Pregnancy Advisory Service, but not essential. Patients can self refer on 01223 217664.

On the day of your appointment, you will attend for an ultrasound scan to date your pregnancy followed by counselling with a qualified practitioner.

Following consultation we will provide and plan the most appropriate treatment.

Treatment options available:

  • Home Medical
  • Daycase Medical
  • Daycase Surgical

The treatment options offered will be dependent on a few factors including the gestation of your pregnancy.

We also provide advice and assistance for women to help decide about long-term contraception following treatment.

Finding us

Clinic 21 is on the ground floor of the Rosie Hospital, opposite the Ultrasound Department. From the main Rosie entrance, head straight through the Rosie Reception area, past the Pavilion Café and follow the signs to Clinic 21, which is on the right.

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It helps you to find your way around Addenbrooke’s and the Rosie hospitals, making it easier to locate clinics, wards and other facilities on our campus.

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