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Maternity assessment unit - Clinic 23

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The maternity assessment unit cares for women and birthing people from after they have had their 12 to 13 week dating scan, up to 6 weeks postnatal.

Non-urgent advice: Important

Please note if you are low risk and planning to give birth in Rosie birth centre and you think you are in labour or your waters have broken please contact them directly on 01223 217003.

Non-urgent advice: Visiting information

Outside of daily visiting times the maternity assessment unit operates from the delivery unit

The telephone line operates 24 hours a day 7 days a week

How to find us

Clinic 23 is situated within the delivery unit. Head straight through the Rosie reception area, past the Pavilion cafe. Take lift B (on the left) or the stairs up to level 3 and follow the signs to delivery unit. Alternatively through the ATC entrance; turn left, and then right up the ramp to the Rosie and take lift B (on the right) or stairs to level 3.

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A triage / maternity assessment midwife will accept all pregnancy-related calls from pregnant women, GP’s, community midwives and other departments in the hospital.

They will take a detailed history to fully assess the needs of the individual and direct the caller to the most appropriate area, such as the community midwife, GP, clinic 23, Rosie birth centre, delivery unit, or to remain at home.

Reasons for referral to maternity assessment

  • reduced foetal movements
  • raised blood pressure or proteinuria
  • abdominal pain or bleeding in pregnancy
  • labour
  • spontaneous rupture of membranes (waters breaking)
  • other concerns about pregnancy
  • postnatal sepsis
  • booked for a home delivery

What to bring with you

  • Always bring your maternity notes.
  • bring something to do or read, in case you need to wait for results or to see a doctor

Who will you meet and what should you expect

You will always be seen by an experienced midwife who will:

  • take your medical / pregnancy history
  • perform an antenatal check
  • monitor your baby’s heart beat when needed
  • take a blood sample if needed

Other information

The midwife will advise you if it is necessary to wait for the blood results. If so, the results take approximately two hours to be analysed.

If indicated, you will be seen by an obstetrician.

The length of your stay will vary depending on the assessment required. You should allow one to four hours.

  • You may be discharged from clinic 23 with no further follow up.
  • You may be discharged from clinic 23 but will be followed up. This will be arranged prior to leaving Clinic 23 and will usually be on Clinic 22 (Maternal Medicine Unit) or in the Ultrasound Department.
  • You may be discharged from clinic 23 back to the care of your GP.
  • You may be admitted to the Rosie hospital to the antenatal or postnatal ward, or to the Delivery Unit or Rosie Birth Centre.

Appointment times are not given; women are seen on a priority basis, therefore some waiting time is likely.

Please note if you are low risk and planning to give birth in Rosie birth centre and you think you are in labour or you waters have broken please contact them directly on 01223 217003.