Women are referred here that may require extra monitoring of their pregnancies because of concerns regarding issues such as their blood pressure, blood test results or repeated episodes of reduced movements of babies.
Non-urgent advice: Visiting information
How to find us
Head through the Rosie reception area. Take lift A (on the right) or the stairs to level 2 and follow the signs to clinic 22.
CUH Directions mobile app
The CUH Directions mobile app is for patients and visitors.
It helps you to find your way around Addenbrooke’s and the Rosie hospitals, making it easier to locate clinics, wards and other facilities on our campus.
Clinic 22 – Maternal medicine
During the visit, maternal observations are checked and often a foetal heart tracing / recording of the baby may be required. Individualised care is given and regular appointments may be required.
Maternal medicine services enable women to receive regular monitoring requirements without being admitted for inpatient care.Â
This clinic also provides postnatal appointments for women who may require postnatal care while their baby is being cared for on the neonatal unit, PICU or ward C3 and they are living in the hospital accommodation.
Clinic 22 - Fetal medicine
This is a consultant-led service providing specialist care. The team consists of doctors, midwives, maternity care assistants and the administration team.
The department sees women who have been referred following an ultrasound scan that may have detected a concern with the baby’s anatomy or growth. The department is a regional referral service and also sees women referred from other units in the Eastern region. Clinics are run that enable women to meet with neonatal doctors, surgeons, the genetics team, specialist nurses and physiotherapists to help plan for on-going care in pregnancy and after the baby is born.
Fetal medicine staff work closely with genetics department and laboratory to provide diagnostic tests (amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling) for some women who may have an increased screening risk for Down’s syndrome or when a chromosome problem is suspected in the baby.
At each visit an ultrasound scan will be carried out followed by a discussion with the doctor about the findings. Follow up appointments may be arranged on an individual basis. Close communication is maintained with your referring hospital, GP and midwife.