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Early pregnancy / emergency gynaecology unit - Clinic 24

Clinics A-Z

We are an emergency clinic providing care for women with early pregnancy and gynaecology concerns.

Early pregnancy care is provided up to 12 + 6 weeks gestation for women who have concerns with their pregnancy, such as pain and / or bleeding. We offer assessment for hyperemesis gravidarum up to 14 weeks gestation. We also provide early pregnancy care for women who have previously experienced ectopic pregnancy, recurrent pregnancy loss or gestational trophoblastic disease.

Gynaecological concerns can include pain, bleeding, infections and swelling / prolapse.

How to find us

Clinic 24 is on Level 1 (street level) of the Rosie hospital, next to the ultrasound department. On entering the Rosie hospital, pass the Reception and Pavillion Café. Take the first left and clinic 24 is on the left.

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It helps you to find your way around Addenbrooke’s and the Rosie hospitals, making it easier to locate clinics, wards and other facilities on our campus.

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Clinic 24 operates a telephone triage and referral system. If you have an early pregnancy or gynaecology concern, please contact clinic 24 by telephone. Your call will be taken by an appropriately trained member of staff. You may be asked to attend clinic 24, the emergency department or your GP. You may be given advice and informed that attendance is not currently necessary.

Alternatively, you may be directly referred to clinic 24 from your GP, the emergency department or your midwife.

When clinic 24 is closed, an out-of-hours telephone triage service is delivered by the staff of Daphne ward, the in-patient gynaecology ward. If your concern does not require emergency care, we advise that you contact Daphne ward rather than directly attending the emergency department.

If you are asked to attend clinic 24, you will not receive a letter, email or text. You should attend at the time and date given to you whilst you were on the phone or as advised by your GP / midwife. If you have MyChart, do not follow the appointment time displayed as this may not be accurate.

When you arrive

On arrival at clinic 24, you need to check in at the reception desk. You will be seen by a nurse who will assess you and decide whether you require nurse-led care or referral to a doctor. If you are seen by a doctor, further history and an examination may be required. If an examination is required, you will have a chaperone.

If you are coming for a scan, the result and plan of your on-going care will be discussed with you before you leave the clinic.

Your appointment

When you attend clinic 24, we aim to see you in a timely manner. Depending on how many patients there are to be seen, there may be a delay, and this will be communicated to you. As we are an emergency clinic, patients will be seen in order of clinical urgency.

Unfortunately, space in the clinic is limited, so we ask that you bring no more than one person to support you. Please note that the clinic is not a suitable environment for children.

Next steps

From your attendance at clinic 24, your on-going care will take one of four pathways:

  • you may be discharged with no further follow up needed.
  • you may be discharged with a follow up plan. If follow up requires treatment or monitoring, you will be given a further appointment. If follow up can be delivered over the telephone, a date for a telephone call will be arranged.
  • you may be discharged back to the care of your GP or midwife.
  • you may be transferred to Daphne Ward within the Rosie Hospital for further care.

Patient information

Non-urgent advice: Baby loss certificate

The government has launched a voluntary scheme to allow parents to record and receive a certificate to provide recognition of baby loss before 24 weeks.

Certificates are issued free of charge and can only be obtained via the government website:

Criteria to apply:

  • You have experienced a loss under 24 weeks gestation since 1 September 2018*  
  • Are at least 16 years of age  
  • Were living in England at the time of the loss 
  • Currently live in England 
  • Are one of the baby’s parents or surrogate

* The scheme is starting with losses since 2018, any losses prior to 2018 will be available in time.Â