Our vision is to lead the way in providing sustainable healthcare for our community, both locally and nationally.

Our Action 50 Green Plan
Our transition into a circular economy way of working redefines what productivity means through a reframing approach to what and how we consume.

Why we need a green plan
The NHS, including CUH, is focused on reducing the impacts of human-made climate change on both physical and mental health.

Our progress so far
We’ve made great progress in sustainability, cutting carbon, benefiting from a greener power grid, reducing costs, and making CUH a better place to work.

Our vision for change
The sustainable alternative to high-carbon, high-waste consumption is a system of renewal where fossil fuels are replaced, and waste is reused in the supply chain.

Our approach
We consider everything we consume as an asset with a real carbon footprint and a real post-consumption value (from energy to equipment, from food to pharmaceuticals and more).

Our Action 50
CUH has created a plan that details 50 distinct actions across three strategic themes: reducing emissions, saving resources and working together.